On Air with Amber Podcast


The Real Talk on How to Run a Profitable Nonprofit

On Air with Amber is like having a conversation with your BFF. Difficult concepts are broken down into easy-to-understand explanations; get clear step-by-step instructions on how to build and strengthen your organization’s infrastructure; learn how to stop self-funding and start generating consistent outside funding, and get access to tons of useful resources.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 109: One Man's Trash is Another Nonprofit's Burden: How to Prevent Donations from Derailing Your Organization's Goals

Be careful when accepting donations. Because they are tax deductible, individuals/companies are incentivized to donate. However, often these donations may not align with your organization's goals, may be obsolete and unusable, and end up costing the organization either in space, time trying to figure out how to use it, or money--getting rid of it. Learn how to make donations work for your organization by establishing donation criteria that helps guide the process so that it helps, not derails your organization from accomplishing its goals.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 106: Program Descriptions: What a Funder Really Wants to Know

Not getting funded? It could be how you describe your Programs and Projects. A Funder doesn't know you or the work you do. If you don't explain your programs in a way that shows ROI, you could be missing an opportunity. Learn exactly what it is a funder is looking for so you can increase your odds of securing funding.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 105: Business Expenses: Indirect Costs

There's a lot of conversation around the disconnect between the Full Costs of running a nonprofit and what Funders cover (90% Direct Cost v 10% Direct Cost). Learn the Funder's perspective behind funding a nonprofit's overhead and how it impacts your organization.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 104: Don't Chase the Money: Mission Creep

Mission creep is when take money to administer programs that aren't aligned with your mission. You take the money to fill gaps. It's tempting but it's expensive: you need to hire staff, that takes away resources, but most importantly it distorts your IMPACT. Instead of chasing money, build out your organization to position it for consistent revenue by building out your infrastructure. If you don't know how check out 90 days to a Profitable Nonprofit, the roadmap.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 103: How to Move from Here to There: Strategic Growth

If you're struggling to move to the next level, you need to assess where your organization is. What stage? Be truthful. When you know what stage it's in, you can move to the next stage by checking off the foundational elements you have (or don't have). Don't check off the box to move forward. If you've been self-funding your organization, chances are whay you've been doing isn't working (so don't check that box! Fix the issue!) That's what gets you to consistent revenue.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 102: Start Up Success: How to Build a Track Record

Funders look for proof of success when determining who they will fund. Get some quick wins: quotes, testimonials, praise from collaborators. Show your impact: Pre/Post Tests, graduations, Sign in sheets, number of clients served, food bags given away, volunteer hours transformations. Build a track record by demonstrating proof of impact.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 101: Keep Your Fingers on the Pulse: Administering an Organization Assessment

An Org assessment is like your vehicle 3,000 mile check up where you look under the hood to proactively catch issues early, before they become costly. Lift your head up, get out the weeds. Make sure your programs are relevant. Make sure your staff is happy. An assessment helps you stay in the know, prioritize, and develop a strategy to get you back on track, or ahead of issues.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 100: Keeping it 100!

Today we're celebrating my 100th Episode by sharing my journey, lessons learned, and words of wisdom to nonprofit leaders on how to make true impact in their communities, the nonprofit sector, and their lives.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 99: The Proof is in the Pudding

Nonprofits compete for a small pot of money. Funders aren't handing out money to any nonprofit just because they have a tax exempt status! They select the most qualified nonprofits to fund. "Qualified" comes down to Proof. In this episode, learn how to define, capture, quantify, and demonstrate Proof to Funders to increase your chances of being selected for funding.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 98: Big Problems Require Big Solutions

Ever wonder why we haven't moved the needle on most causes plaguing society? With over 1.45 million nonprofits in the US you'd think we'd solved some of our problems. There are plenty of reasons, and some simple solutions. Check out this episode for some insights on the plan for how to solve the big problems (hint: it requires some Big Solutions!)

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 97: Making the Case for Funding

Funders fund programs, not businesses. It's not their responsibility to cover business expenses, yet 90% of Founders and Executive Directors expect them to. Keeping them in poverty mode. Learn what the Funder's Perspective is, why it matters, and what you should be asking funders for so your proposals are funded (and how to cover the rest!).

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 96: No Show

Are You Struggling to Fill Your Programs? There could be many reasons why. Marketing, need, a change in your community. What can and should you do to address a drop in your enrollment? Take a listen to this episode for ways to address how to get more butts in the seats in your programs!

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 95: Clarity at a Glance

Do Your Descriptions Clearly Reflect Your Mission? Funders use your mission and program descriptions to determine alignment with their funding goals. With so much at stake, don't risk getting screened out of a funding opportunity because you didn't understand how important clear, measurable, and targeted descriptions are. Learn more in this episode!

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 94: Should I? or Shouldn't I?

If you're thinking about starting a nonprofit but aren't sure if you should or shouldn't, this episode will help you to decide. Starting a nonprofit is starting a business. If you think you will "get a grant " to start a nonprofit - then, No. You shouldn't start a nonprofit. If you have at least $25K to start your nonprofit, then yes, you should. If you're not sure when or why you should start a nonprofit check out this episode to learn if you should or shouldn't.

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 93: Is It Time?

Is it time to dissolve your nonprofit? if you're constantly self-funding your organization, and your "We" is really "You", if you don't have paid staff and your volunteers won't pick up your call. And you're delivering the same programs, with no growth or innovation. But mostly, if you're sacrificing YOU to give to your community with no compensation. Is it time to stop and start living your best life, while you can? Or are you ready to shift your mindset, build a solid infrastructure and generate real revenue? It's time you decide. If you're ready to do the work it takes to run a profitable, impactful nonprofit that changes lives—including your own--then it's time to start fresh!

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Amber Wynn Amber Wynn

Episode 90: Validating Need

Funders don’t just write checks because nonprofits ask for support. They need to be inspired and believe their money will make a difference. The Statement of Need is an essential tool for demonstrating need. Without the justification, Funders will not support your cause. Find out how to validate the need in your community; what goes into a Statement of Need.

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